Know The Journey Of Komou Poji From Engineer To BJP’s Intending Candidate

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A young engineer, hailing from Makhan Centre is 30 year old Komou Poji, one of the intending candidates from Tadubi 49th AC. He strongly feels that the voices of the youth are sidelined when it comes to major political platforms. And he hopes that his leadership and candidature will be a catalyst to creating platforms for youths to participate in larger political forum in the state.

He also aims to bring about a change in the attitude of many young adults and although it may seem difficult, he believes that if the youth come together the lax system can be changed.He aims to address the various grievances that are plaguing our society, especially unemployment.

Manipur, he asserts, is blessed with highly qualified youth, but unfortunately, many are unemployed. Being an unemployed youth himself, he believes he can navigate the problems and aspirations of the unemployed younger generations. The jobs that the state government provides do not satisfy the aspirations of many unemployed youth and also are not sufficient. Therefore, implementation of existing schemes and introduction of new schemes for skill development and providing employment is key. Accountability, according to Komou Poji, is crucial for a good representation. It is hardly practiced although the word is often used in rallies, meetings, speeches, etc.

Being brought up in a humble God fearing family, he believes he will be more approachable by communities and hesitant individuals who need more assistance. He aims for more visitations in villages that he represents, taking advantage of his young physicality.

He plans to set up ‘Grievance cells’ in every circle/village so that all grievances will be put forward anytime, anywhere and by any individual. These grievance cells will be the point of communication for all purposes.

He is also well versed with Nagas history and as a person belonging to a generation who will be taking forward the narratives of Naga society to the future generations, he aims to address the Naga issues with great responsibility.

As a youth who has been taking note of the many shortcomings of our society, Komou urges the youth to join hands in the historic journey of changing our society for the better, not to be mere observers or voters, but to be able to voice one’s concerns, expectations and aspirations, and independently choose a leader of one’s choice to fulfill those aspirations and do away with the dominant choice and opinions having sway over our voices.

A lot of responsibilities come with the right to vote, so vote for your future, not to further a small group’s economic and political interests.

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