REFORMATION of Apatani MYOKO sinequan for prosperous Apatani tribe ? Study on economic impact of these ceremonies – lesson to be learnt: Robin Hibu

Totally I agree with Dani Anu Sulu thoughtful idea of tanii likelihood of turning into tribe of massive rampant alcoholism in ziro due rampant mandatory use of alcohol in all tanii traditional ceremonies.
– Many of our well todo tanii perhaps are endowed with obsession to me too many unnecessary redundant customs and traditions…I feel, one of the VALID REASON for poverty stricken tanii farmers in villages in ziro is AVOIDABLE UNNECESSARY EXPENSES INCUR DURING THOSE L0NG DURATION OF MYOKO ….I have seen with my eyes how a poor tanii farmers struggled every three years, all his little income is spent unwittingly in buying cow meats, chickens, hulyii, O , tabyo, firewood, rice, pike pilla, these days new addition of dalmuts, chips, kaju , cold drinks, thereby family budget drastically drained every 3 year.
– During last Hong myoko, my bossom Chartar Accountant friend from Delhi, Akash Sharma ,who is World Bank Consultant also did analysis of expenditures incur during myoko by an average tanii household.
He concluded from his findings that one third of income or saving of an average tanii household is spent on myoko evey 3rd year in his whole life . As a result, average saving/ income is dwindling for all average tanii families.
– I am deeply convinced that, these avoidable drink eat bonhomie can be reduce to 2 days with reformations by keeping core values intact. Yes, I too feel proud to celebrate myoko but need recasting of the way we celebrate the Myoko .
– It is silence mini economic tsunami every 3 year, poverty stricken taniis are sucked and their hard earned income drained out just to keep the prestige of their families.
– I have seen with my eyes from my childhood how a poor tanii families silently struggled and in crisis just to upkeep these unnecessary expenses of myoko.
And many novea richi riches grandiosely lavishly host 5 star parties inviting whose who of the district and neighboring districts during these ceremonies indirectly unwittingly demeaning the poor tanii families.
– All bustling civilizations/ communities /tribes have perished from earth due to obsession of ostrich mentality of not evolving with time and need for progressive survival ethics.
– I hope our ever active CBO – TSD, AYA, AWAZ, AYA will ponder and take lead to reform these customs and traditions without losing the core positive values .
– If not reform these extravagant societal mandated heavily draining system, than to me it is a mathematical certainty that common tanii would be in perennial hand and mouth economic of poverty stricken for ever .
( Opinions are personal based on ground zero experiences and observations and based on personal analysis of top CA, World Bank consultant.)