This style of BJP MLA Balo Raja brings him closer to everyone.

Arunachal Pradesh:Sri Balo Raja, HMLA & Advisor To Minister (Power & Hydro Power), Government of Arunachal Pradesh inaugurated the “Automatic Demand Management System” and dedicated the service to the state at State Load Despatch Centre situated at the 132/33 KV Sub Station, Chimpu. It is a State-of-the-art technology using IT/OT applications and hardware to manage load demand automatically in 33/11 KV sub-stations funded under “Power System Development Fund (PSDF)” as 100% grant from GoI. This is a pilot project installed in two main 33/11KV sub-stations of Itanagar at Chandranagar and Panchali at a project cost of Rs 1.03 Cr.

Mr. Raja said that “The state government is keen to bring in technology for efficient and transparent people friendly governance. This project in line with this policy and would extend it to other 33/11 KV sub stations across the state if the pilot project is successful. Further, such an automatic demand management system would prevent unnecessary and avoidable blackout in our cities and towns. The State Government under the leadership of Sri Pema Khanduji, Hon’ble Chief Minister and Sri Chowna Meinji, Hon’ble Dy. Chief Minister, had already sanctioned for construction of a State-of-the-art building for State Load Despatch Centre which is likely to be completed in few months. We are looking forward to strengthen and empower our SLDC to grow to catch up with the rest of the country. SLDC is the eye, ear and nose of the power system”.
Earlier on the day, Sri Raja also inaugurated the “Upgraded Video Conference Room” of SLDC and dedicated its service to the state. The Project was funded under state sector at a cost of Rs 34.00 Lakhs.“Technology intervention is the only best option to hasten discharge of public service for its improved efficiency, effectiveness and ease of doing works with transparency. Meeting through virtual mode has become the order of the day especially during and after the pandemic. It is less expensive and very easy to conduct important meetings without making huge expenditure on officer’s TA/DA, the Advisor added.
Little later on the occasion, Sri H.R. Bado, retired Chief Engineer(P) TP&MZ, inaugurated the V-SAT Satellite Communication in Power system and dedicated the service to the State at State Load Despatch Centre, at the same location. It was also funded under state sector at the cost of Rs.32.38Lakhs.
Mr. Bado told that the State of Arunachal Pradesh is the first state in North East to deploy Satellite technology in Power System Communication. Though VSAT itself is not a new technology, using it in the Power system in India is new and not yet many states use the technology. It is a choice of technology for states like Arunachal Pradesh for ease of use and its cost effectiveness. It is also very simple and easy to expand to new system element that would be coming up without needing much of fund. Other means of communication through cabled means are expensive and time taking and other Line-of-Sight communication is not only less reliable but also not feasible due to less line-of-sight availability because of topography. This communication system will make our engineers at SLDC to have a real time system data instantly at every 15 minutes block enabling the SLDC to operate and manage grid system in a more efficient and effective way. It would also help in forecasting and scheduling.
Later, the Advisor joined the farewell function organised by the department in honour of the CE(Power), Transmission, Planning & Monitoring zone Sri H. R. Bado, who retired on 31st May last.